With our trainings you’re bringing years of experience with educational quality assurance and legislation to your institution.
Hobéon has years of experience with quality assurance and legislation for education institutions. We’d love to share our expertise with you through our training courses and master classes. The training courses are fully customized and modular. Our advisors provide training throughout secondary and tertiary education institutions. The central focus of our courses is the practical link between knowledge, content and skills.
Finished your training? For some training courses we provide certificates to help you demonstrate your professional development.
TRAINING | Exam boards in higher education
We inform you of current developments in education, policy and legislation that impact the work of exam boards. Questions that will be discussed include: What is the purpose of the exam board? Where does the responsibility of management and teacher lie? This training is intended to sharpen the legal perspective of exam boards, partly on the basis of current case law and case studies (exercises).
MASTERCLASS | From quality assurance to quality culture
This masterclass discusses the concept of quality culture and the different meanings it can have. How do you identify quality culture? What ways are there to stimulate it? How do you realize a change in the (quality) culture of your organization?